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Little North Attleboro League

Little North Attleboro League

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


All LNAL Spring and Summer games for the 9’s, 10’s and National Divisions are umpired exclusively by participants in this program. Participating in this program is a great opportunity to learn responsibility, accountability and how to deal with occasional conflict. 
  • Must be 13 years of age or older.
  • Must be a current or former LNAL player at Babe Ruth Prep level or above.
  • Must complete approximately six hours of training provided by LNAL prior to the season starting. Training includes field time as well as classroom instruction.
  • Must pass a test after the completion of training.
  • Junior Umpires must be reliable and committed to the program.
  • Two umpires (minimum) are assigned to each game: one at bases and one at home plate.
  • LNAL does not limit the amount of participants in the program. As a result the total number of games available to each umpire is dependent on the total number of games scheduled by the league and the total number of umpires in the program.
  • Games are distributed as evenly as possible however availability and dependability are considered.
  • Each umpire will receive an official umpire shirt, brush and counter. 
  • Junior Umpires are paid for their services. 
To register, click HERE and register as a Coach/Volunteer. Accept the code of conduct and enter any 4 digit number(does not have to be ss#). You should receive an email confirmation that you registered. For any questions about registration, email us at [email protected].
For more information about the program please email [email protected]


Little North Attleboro League
PO Box 1285 
Attleboro Falls, Massachusetts 02763

Email: [email protected]

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